Assisted Living
Providers Network


Fsalp is a National network that is created to support, educate and be a resource to family setting and residential Assisted Living providers.
Our members are committed to improving the lives of seniors, by providing compassionate, dedicated and quality care in cozy family-style homes to the elderly and disabled.


FSALP events invites experts, entrepreneurs, senior housing CEOs, who are looking to help family style Assisted Living providers grow and develop their senior housing businesses.
FSALP is a Network into a real force to empower FSALP and to revolutionize Assisted Living services.

Upcoming Event: 3rd Annual Family Matters Conference 2020

Venue: 4770 Owings Mills Blvd, Owings Mills, MD 21117


February, 7th 2020

What happened in 2018

What happened in 2019

What will happen in 2020


Our mission is to create services and programs that supports, educates, and empowers family style Assisted Living providers to strengthen/improve their operations and services. FSALP is your Partner for a Successful Business. We envision a society that believes that family matters! Love | Serve | Grow

Business Start-Up and Growth Tools!

For Owners, New and Aspiring owners of Family Setting Assisted Living Homes. Get Access to tools and resources to help you start and take your business to the next level. This is self-paced online learning platform with unlimited access to trainings that you can access from the comfort of anywhere.


We believe that there is a great need for a quality standard of care that oftentimes cannot be provided by the larger institutionalized care centers. As the Nations leading Residential Family-Style Assisted Living Network. Fsalp members provides Seniors and their families with cozy and affordable residential care homes, products and services they need to live their best life, and make the last years of their life as pleasant as possible.


Become a member of FSALP Network

As a member you become part of a caring community whose members are dedicated to providing the best quality care to the world’s most vulnerable population. You become an advocate for Good by making the last years of the elderly and disabled as pleasant as possible.
Our mission is to help family style Assisted Living providers increase their business and quality of service.

Join Now